A Dual Credit course allows PHS students to earn both college credit hours and a high school credit for successfully completing just one course. The college credit hours awarded through Dual Credit are earned through completion of the course and not solely by an exam at the end of the course. Pike has partnerships with several state colleges and universities that offer D.C. courses. Some colleges require certain grade point averages, grade levels and/or fees — which if any, are significantly reduced from the university’s on-campus fee. All students who receive Free or Reduced Lunch are waived from paying any state university Dual Credit fees. In addition, students who might need some financial assistance may apply for scholarships.
We have Dual Credit agreements with the following universities: Butler Univ., Indiana Univ., IUPUI, Ivy Tech Community College, and Vincennes Univ. All Dual Credit from courses on the Core Transfer Library list are accepted at many Indiana state college or universities and many private colleges. This allows a student to take 9 a course sponsored, for example, by Ivy Tech and have it accepted for credit at Indiana University. Students should check with individual colleges of their choice regarding transfer of dual credit, IB, and AP credits.
Dual Credit courses include both academic courses and career academic courses. All Dual Credit classes are indicated with DC after the course title.
In general, students who experience the most success in DC courses have an average to above-average GPA
For further information about Dual Credit courses and opportunities, please contact your counselor or the Dual Credit Coordinator, Mrs. Vohland, at 317-216-5437. A complete list of D.C. courses in the Core Transfer Library can be found on the Indiana Department of Education’s website, www.doe.in.gov. Information may also be found through the Indiana Commission for Higher Education Division of Student Financial Aid, www.in.gov/che.